Life Group Discussion Guide for March 26, 2023

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Resolute: A Focused Study of Luke
Luke 15

Dinner Table Questions
When was the last time you lost something that was very valuable to you? What was that like?
Did you find it? How did you find it? What did you do when you found it?

Open Bible Questions
Read Luke 15:1-5
– Jesus answered the muttering of the “Pharisees and teachers of the law” first by telling
them a parable that invited them to imagine that ONE of them was like a shepherd who
has a hundred sheep. What makes that scenario so ironic?
o Read Ezekiel 34:1-4, 11, 16
o What do you think Jesus is saying to these religious leaders who very likely knew
this scripture by heart? What do you think je is saying to us today?
Read Luke 15:8-10
o What words in this second parable echo words of the first parable? What are
the parallels?
o Why do you think Jesus decided to tell this second parable? How does it interact
with the first parable?

Read Luke 15:11-32
– There is so much to unpack here. If you are familiar with this parable what are some of
the things that you have heard taught about this third parable? If you are unfamiliar
with it what initially stands out to you about it?
– Who do you find yourself most identifying with in this third parable? The younger
brother? The older brother? The Father? Why? What specifically is it about them that
resonates with you?

Go back and read again Luke 15:1-2.
– Why do you think these religious leaders were “muttering?” What motivated their
muttering? In what ways are we prone to be just like that?

Monday Morning Questions
Now the tax collectors and the sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus.
Luke 15:1

In what way is that an accurate picture of the church whether we care to admit it or not?
Is there a specific person that comes to mind that you want to see included in that
scene…gathered around to hear Jesus? What role might you specifically play in that process
this week? What do you sense God would have you do about that?