Neither Male nor Female (Part 2): Sermon video by Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly   -  

ONE Message Series

Galatians 3:26-28; John 4:1-42

Neither Male nor Female (Part 2)

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony” (John 4:39).

At the request of the Harpeth Hills shepherds, August has been focused on the Pauline idea of a Ministry of Reconciliation that God is seeking to accomplish through his people. This is, of course, the continued development of the themes announced in January. Focus has been on Paul’s three Spirit-chosen priorities of Jew-Gentile, slave-master, and male-female. In our context, this translates to the “prickly” topics of race, wealth, and gender.

In this week’s study, our elders have addressed the “So What?” of these studies. How will Harpeth Hills declare its identity around these themes and pursue God’s will for a Ministry of Reconciliation in our time and place?

Discussion notes