The Destiny of the Redeemed
HHCC   -  

Lesson 13: The Book of Revelation
Revelation 20:11 – 22:21
Rubel Shelly, teaching

1. In his vision of the final resurrection and Judgment, John saw various “books” being opened by the Judge. Who is the Judge? What “books” are opened? In particular, what is the Book of Life? Cf. Ex 32:32-33; Psa 69:28; Dan 12:1; Luke 10:20.

2. Where does the imagery of “a New Heaven and a New Earth” first appear in Scripture? Why is this vision also connected with images of “the new Jerusalem” and “a bride beautifully dressed for her husband”? Who or what is represented by these figures?

3. Read verses 1-5 in connection with the comment quoted at the bottom of this page from David Lipscomb. What is your understanding of the location and nature of the experience described? Is this a non-material experience in Heaven? An embodied life on a redeemed and renewed Earth?

4. The Holy City described is “measured” by an angel and turns out to be a perfect cube. What is the symbolism here? What is the Old Testament background to it?

5. In the limited description of the future life of God’s people given here – for human language cannot possibly capture its dimensions – what is the most appealing feature? What do you look forward to most about the experience that awaits you? Note: Since Revelation is about the near-in-time overthrow of Rome, why do you think the book “jumps ahead” at the end to speak of the second coming of Christ?

6. Chapter 22 changes the image once again to link the end of the biblical narrative to its opening scene in Genesis. What is represented by the “Water of Life” and “Tree of Life” in this scene? How do these figures take a Bible student’s mind back to Genesis?

7. As the Apocalypse ends, the angel, the writer John, and Jesus himself affirm the truth and trustworthiness of what the book contains. When Jesus affirms one final time that he is “coming soon,” how does John react? Why would the apostle be delighted that Rome would “soon” be repaid for its evils against the church? What comfort would this final word be to John’s initial readers back in Ephesus and the six other churches?

God is holy. As a pure and holy being, he cannot tolerate guilt and sin. The two cannot permanently dwell together in the universe. When sin came into the world, God left this world as a dwelling place. He cannot dwell in a defiled and sin-polluted temple. He has since dwelt on this earth only in sanctified altars and temples separated from the world and consecrated to his service. He will again make this earth his dwelling place, but it will be only when sin has been purged out and it has been consecrated anew as the new heaven and new earth in which dwelleth righteousness. (David Lipscomb)