Palm Sunday Brunch and Worship

8:30am – A Cappella Worship, Auditorium

9:45am – Brunch, Community Room
(Bible classes for Nursery through 6th Grade will meet.)

10:45am – Instrumental Worship, Gym

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. – Luke 9:51

Luke writes this in chapter 9 of his gospel.  In chapter 19 it happens…Jesus RESOLUTEly entered Jerusalem…on the back of a colt…while crowds of disciples joyfully shouted,

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”

They welcomed him as king. We intend to do the same. Palm branches in the hands of our children. Two worship services with a brunch in between.  Praise, celebration, and food in honor of the king who RESOLUTEly did what he said he would do.

But on this day, one week before Easter, there is both joy and sorrow. Jesus made clear all along, he did not set his face toward Jerusalem because he would be welcomed with palm branches. He set his face toward Jerusalem knowing full well that palm branches are temporary. He was not surprised by what happened next. In anticipation of Easter, we must not forget what happened next.