Day 38 / Luke 18:18-30
HHCC   -  

By Tessa Mullinix

In Luke 18:18-30, Jesus emphasizes the importance of making sacrifices for the Kingdom. The rich ruler in the text had never broken the commandments mentioned (committing adultery, murdering, stealing, etc.), but he lacked one thing and this was giving up all His wealth for those in need and following Christ. In the same way, Jesus calls us today to also sacrifice the earthly temptations that our hearts long for so we may be able to fully dedicate our lives to Him and His service. Although this sacrifice and lifestyle may seem unattainable, Jesus gives us the reminder in verse 27 that “what is impossible with man is possible with God.” God makes all things possible and can give us the strength to fight our desires of the flesh. Jesus promises that our present sufferings due to a life dedicated to the Lord and His Kingdom will be worth the eternal glory that we will one day receive because of it.